The all-in-one compensation management platform

Figures is Europe's leading compensation management platform, helping mid‑market companies and enterprises to make fair and efficient salary decisions.

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Unlock easy collaboration with managers for your salary review

All decisions are recorded in one place to save your valuable time.
Individual increase suggestions based on performance or any other criteria.
Managers' reviews, unlimited validation workflows, calibration.
Campaign tracking: budgets, dates, equity... stay in control!

Easily build and share your pay grids for a transparent remuneration policy, both internally and externally

Fine and intuitive analysis of your internal equity.
Easily import your HR data: performance, competencies, salary history, etc.
Empower your HRBPs and Managers by providing access to data and analyses.

Access up-to-date market data to make competitive decisions that will attract and retain top talents

Smart filters for more precise targeting.
View of total compensation with a breakdown of variable pay.
Connection to real-time salary data from the HRIS.
Figures has become an essential tool for my business.
Its major assets are: quality data in real time, continuous improvement (with the development of new features), and its UX/UI. Figures is not just simply a compensation tool, they also regularly host webinars and share top-quality surveys and articles at the heart of compensation experts' issues.

Stéphanie Lafont

Responsable rémunération et avantages sociaux @ SNCF Connect & Tech

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