The Best Choice For
Get access to the most reliable real-time
salary benchmarking tool in the world.

Instant access to salary benchmarking
Benchmark salaries and find out your market positioning to drive your competitive compensation strategy using our salary benchmarking feature.
Real-time positioning of teams and employees in the market
Broad and expanding geographical coverage
User-friendly interface
Get the complete picture in our salary comparison tool, quickly identify key areas of improvement, and prioritize appropriate adjustments.
One-click data sharing to inform HR, TA and managers of selected market information
Smart filters (activity, company size, funding, etc.) for more precise targeting
Connection to real-time salary data from the HRIS

Track and monitor
Evaluate gaps and collaborate with team managers to help them proactively participate in compensation decisions.
Track your gender pay gap to identify pay disparities within your organization
View of total compensation with a breakdown of variable pay
Market movement updates sent directly to you
Optimise hiring offers
Design compensation package offers like never before.
Visualize where your new offer stands compared to the market, your current employees and candidates’ expectations.
Specify by role
Calculate for seniority levels
Compare salary expectations vs. market rate

Got more questions? If we missed anything, just reach out and we’ll fill you in on all the details.
It allows you to browse and compare real-time market data on other companies’ compensation practices. Using multiple filters (levels, location, industry, company size, etc.), you can quickly identify improvement areas and share relevant market data with stakeholders.
The data is exclusively collected through our customer base. With updated information and SIRH integrations, we enrich our dataset and ensure that the data always reflects the current market conditions.
We collect compensation changes daily through our customers HRIS APIs, but we chose to update our benchmarks once a month after rigorous quality checks to ensure both stability and high-quality data for our customers. provides real-time data and is monthly updated.
Accuracy in our Benchmark data is ensured through rigorous data collection protocols, quality checks and continuous data updates.
Nothing could be easier! Click here, you'll just have to provide some information about your company, and you can get a full demo of the platform.