Cookie Policy

v. EU-2024-09

1. Introduction

This purpose of this cookie policy (hereinafter: the "Cookie Policy"), is to inform you of the use of cookies and other tracking technologies by Figures SAS ("Figures") when you visit its website available at (the "Website") or use its application available at (the "Application").  

2. The identity and address of the Data Controller

The data controller of the processing of personal data carried out under the conditions described in this Cookie Policy is Figures SAS, located at 5, Boulevard des Bouvets, 92000 Nanterre, France. If you have any questions regarding processing as part of this Cookie Policy, you may contact us by e-mail at the following address:

3. Nature of the cookies, purposes of processing and data subjects

Cookies are small files that are stored on any communication device used when you browse our Website or use our Application. These files enable the exchange of status information between the Website/Application and your terminal (e.g. computer, tablet, telephone). This data may reveal the type of terminal used, the date and time of the visit, the IP address and the activities carried out on the Website/Application. They are used for a variety of purposes, ranging from simple technical purposes to improving your browsing experience or measuring traffic on the Website, through the collection of personal data.The various types of cookies used on our Website and Application are listed in the tables below.

3.1. Cookies used on our Website
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The data subjects of the aforementioned cookie processing are visitors our Website.

3.2- Cookies used in our Application
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The data subjects of the aforementioned cookie processing are websurfers that access our Application.

3 - Legal basis for data processing and the management of cookie settings

Figures may store cookies on your device only if they are strictly necessary for the Website to function. The legal basis for the processing of cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the Website is our legitimate interest in presenting our range of services on the Internet (legitimate interest in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). For all other types of cookies, we rely on your consent.

When you visit our Website, a " cookie banner " is displayed in which you can declare your consent or objection to the use of cookies on our Website (by clicking on a button).

We also record your consent in the form of a cookie ("opt-in cookie") on your device in order to determine whether you have given your consent when you subsequently visit the Website or the Application.

Strictly necessary cookies cannot be disabled using the cookie management function on the Website or Application. You can, however, disable these cookies in general at any time in your browser. You can also manage cookies using your browser settings. Cookie settings vary from browser to browser. You can find more information on this subject at the following link: Please note that some features of our Website and Application may not function properly or at all if you disable cookies in general in your browser.

For further information on the processing of your personal data by Figures, please see the Website Privacy Policy or the Application Privacy Policy.