Everything you need to know about Dutch Benefits in 2023

December 13, 2023
min read


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Introducing the Dutch Benefits Benchmark report 2023

In collaboration with 7People and YourCampus, we collected & analyzed benefits answers from over 250 participating companies, to build the Dutch Benefits Benchmark report 2023.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the insights you can get from the report and the webinar recording!

The 5 key trends we see happening in Dutch benefits in 2023

#1 The average rating for current benefits offering is only 6.3

In the survey, we asked the participants to rate their current benefits package. It may surprise you that the average rating for current benefits offering is only 6.3. This shows us that many companies think their own benefits leave much room for improvement.

You also feel like your company’s benefits package is missing something, this report should inspire you with the many options that are available. You could approach anything another company offers  as a suggestion and ask yourself: would that benefit suit your culture and employees?

#2 Most companies don’t have an easy-to-find overview of the benefits after the application process

It’s a missed opportunity, considering the high investment in benefit programs.

“Benefit communication is often still neglected after the application process. Satisfaction with the current benefits could easily be improved by implementing a benefits platform or using the company newsletter or website to communicate about the benefits package.” - Hakon from Figures

#3 Something that was unexpected but apparent from the data, is that a lot of benefits provided in the Netherlands are ultimately quite standard

They are often nothing out of the ordinary. What that shows us, is that there’s still plenty of work to do. In a number of categories the option ‘none of the below’ was actually selected the most often. This shows us that just providing more than the bare minimum can already set your company apart when it comes to your benefits offering.

What are some benefits areas that can you stand out in?

See the justification in the full report.

  • Mobility
  • Wellbeing
  • Parental
  • Leave related benefits

#4 We found some interesting trends for benefits…

Financial: When we look at financial benefits that are offered, it’s clear that pension is one of the most popular benefits in that category, with 74% of the companies providing some form of pension.

Referrals: referral rewards are provided at 71% of companies.

Learning & Development: the most popular is the annual learning budget. 60% of companies offer an annual, individual learning & development budget of €500 to €1500.

“Subscriptions on professional articles or websites upon choice or request of the employee are hot. This is also an interesting way of learning.”  - Ingeborg from 7people

#5 Quite generous with flexibility & remote work benefits

All in all, almost half (43.8%) of the companies allow their workforce to choose where to work and how often they come to the office.

Still, companies that are ‘remote-first’ are still a minority, with Start-ups taking the lead.

Allowances: work from home allowance is offered at 42% of companies.

This was just a small taste of the full report, get access to the newest market insights on benefits here!

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